About Valerie 

Activation at Mt. Shasta 1/11/18

Valerie Elster, RMT, Akashic Field Therapy, Gem/Flower Essence Practitioner, Matrix Energetics, Galactic Shaman. 

Child of Gaia / Feminine Wisdom / Ancient Soul 

Valerie is a Los Angeles-based wisdom keeper, Oracle, World-bridger and Divine Feminine source of light facilitating multi-dimensional healing sessions, consciousness workshops, sacred travel and ceremonies since 2004. 

She utilizes her diverse background and training as a Reiki Master Teacher, Akashic Field Therapy Worldwide Trainer, Matrix Energetics and Flower/Gem Essences as well as remembered ancient wisdom to guide and inspire thousands of people around the world.  

After a successful career in the Entertainment/Internet industry, she was financially abundant but lacked true inner fulfillment so set out on a path of inner discovery.

2012 was a pivotal year that launched her on an epic journey of deep soul remembrance and reconnection with anchoring the Gaia Grids, downloading Atlantean codes, communing with the Galactic Council, and receiving guidance from Ancients and Ascended Masters. 

Since then, she’s been co-creating the New Earth blueprint utilizing this deep soul remembrance as well updating the Star Nations council codes and finalizing a new conscious software methodology that parallels human consciousness and optimizes decision making.